Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blog 4: Community of Non drivers

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Photo essay rough draft

Blog #2

I decided to entertain the viewers of my photo essay by choosing the community of “non drivers.” I figured that most people have gone through a part of their life without driving which is how they can relate to me. The funny thing is most people my age have already passed that stage, but I, unfortunately have not.

While taking pictures I wanted to make sure that the viewer would have a concept of what my photo essay is about just by looking at the images. I thought about appealing to my audience by the use of pathos. I figured my pictures could appeal to their emotions because the community I belong to usually makes people laugh. The guest photographer gave helpful tips that I used. She talked about the time of day when it was appropriate to take pictures so that the lighting would portray the image correctly. I made sure to keep her advice in mind while taking the pictures so that they would come out better.            

I followed the general ideas of my plan of action that I began with but I did not have an exact idea of the photographs I would be taking. I usually don’t take any of means of transportation other than cars so I took pictures of the different peoples’ cars that I go in on a daily basis. 

Blog #1

When writing online, it is important to consider the audience you are speaking to. In order to persuade or entertain the readers, one should express him or herself in a relatable way. Expressing oneself online is different from the real world because it is much more visual. The way you sound online is important because tones of speech cannot be read through text. In order for a writer to get their point across, they have to use a clear and concise method of persuasion.

A certain style of writing can be achieved online by controlling the context used in the blog and by wording things in a specific manner. One could project their own persona online by making their work personal.  For example, when making a blog, it can be designed to portray the writer’s interests. The tone used when writing is a form of expressing the individual’s personality or sense of humor. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Photo essay rough draft

Blog #2

I decided to entertain the viewers of my photo essay by choosing the community of “non drivers.” I figured that most people have gone through a part of their life without driving which is how they can relate to me. The funny thing is most people my age have already passed that stage, but I, unfortunately have not.

While taking pictures I wanted to make sure that the viewer would have a concept of what my photo essay is about just by looking at the images. I thought about appealing to my audience by the use of pathos. I figured my pictures could appeal to their emotions because the community I belong to usually makes people laugh. The guest photographer gave helpful tips that I used. She talked about the time of day when it was appropriate to take pictures so that the lighting would portray the image correctly. I made sure to keep her advice in mind while taking the pictures so that they would come out better.            

I followed the general ideas of my plan of action that I began with but I did not have an exact idea of the photographs I would be taking. I usually don’t take any of means of transportation other than cars so I took pictures of the different peoples’ cars that I go in on a daily basis. 

Blog #1

When writing online, it is important to consider the audience you are speaking to. In order to persuade or entertain the readers, one should express him or herself in a relatable way. Expressing oneself online is different from the real world because it is much more visual. The way you sound online is important because tones of speech cannot be read through text. In order for a writer to get their point across, they have to use a clear and concise method of persuasion.

A certain style of writing can be achieved online by controlling the context used in the blog and by wording things in a specific manner. One could project their own persona online by making their work personal.  For example, when making a blog, it can be designed to portray the writer’s interests. The tone used when writing is a form of expressing the individual’s personality or sense of humor. 
